
Dan Danner
Dan’s Latest Episode
Carl Crider
Born into the rural JIm Crow South, Carl Crider became a minister working for social justice, forged in part by the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King, his experience in the police riots at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, and an assignment in Russia as the Soviet Union was dissolving.

Martin Danner
Martin’s Latest Episode
COVID-19 Special – San Diego Food Bank Plays Vital Role
More San Diego families than ever are finding it difficult to put food on the table right now. So they’re turning to the San Diego Food Bank in rapidly increasing numbers.
Please take a few minutes to hear how food insecurity affects fellow San Diegans, young and old, from all walks of life, and how the San Diego Food Bank runs an enormous operation to fill the gap.
If you find yourself in a food insecure situation right now, or you would like to donate or volunteer to help others, please visit the San Diego Food Bank website. Everything you need to know is right here: